Engaging the young audience
How can new music engage a young audience?
It seems clear that the traditional, classical concert form does not attract the younger generation. But what does then?
This year the NewAud project holds two workshop on how to reach this perhaps-the-toughest-audience-of-them-all.
Six ensembles will meet to exchange experience and to discuss strategies, and various approaches will be discussed: Educating young people, designing new concert formats, cooperating with venues that have a young audience, actually planning a concert in cooperation with a selected young audience – and much else.
What the six ensembles has in common is their belief that new music has the potential to reach a younger audience, and at the first workshop this year the ensembles presented each their case: Issues included concerts for the smallest children, playing with young amateur musicians, doing workshops for young composers and much else.
At this june workshop the group will continue to pursue the subject and draw out conclusions from the cases presented.
The six ensembles at the NewAud "Youth workshop" are KammerensembleN, The ConTempo Quartet, HERMES ensemble, Orkiestra Muzyki Nowej, ZAK Ensemble and ensemble Recherche.
and this workshop will be about how. The six ensembles at this workshop are KammerensembleN, The ConTempo Quartet, HERMES ensemble, Orkiestra Muzyki Nowej, ZAK Ensemble and ensemble Recherche.