NewAud in Spain
“We want to share the best of new music with as many people as possible”.
This is the motto of our project, uniting 46 music organizations in 17 European countries. Common to us all is that we believe that contemporary classical music can potentially reach a much larger audience if a number of challenges are overcome.
For example it is necessary to renew the classical concert form, which by many modern people is perceived as antiquated and alienating. It is also necessary to accept that finer arts no longer enjoys a special status and can count on the audience to show up under all circumstances. Therefore it is necessary to market the music on modern-day terms.
But first of all it is necessary to cooperate. The contemporary and classical music environments are often small and closed around themselves in a misconstrued protectiveness towards local repertoire and sacred traditions.
New Music: New Audiences is a project initiated by a number of organizations that dare to open up to the outside world and work together to unlock the potential of contemporary music.
Senior Project Manager Thomas Demidoff has been invited as key note speaker at the annual Aryts Markering Conference in Madrid. He will present the story of a project bringing together music ensembles, composer associations, music information centers and rights organizations in a visionary collaboration. The goal is to reach a larger audience with contemporary music. The means is to cooperate internationally on audience development, concert experiments, marketing experience and a number of other areas.
Read more about the madrid conference on: http://www.marketingdelasartes.com