Online with your new music audience
Creating an effective website for your ensemble and developing a social media strategy for promoting a concert is essential for audience development in contemporary music.
Concerts can now be broadcasted directly on the internet and composers can ask their listeners to provide feedback during the creative process. A unique opportunity for direct contact with the audience is available – but how do we use it best? And how do we use Facebook and Twitter to promote concerts and reach a new audience?
Alongside with this, we see an electronic armament within art music. More and more often you see a laptop side by side with cellos and bassoons on stage, and some composers write exclusively for electronically created sounds. This is a development in line with an audience that increasingly considers the electronic sounds as natural as the acoustic. But does music become audience friendly just because it's electronic?
In the near future creators as well as users of music will have the computer and the internet as their primary entrance tools for any kind of cultural experience, and where does that leave contemporary classical music? Should we abandon the good old acoustic concert and settle only for electronic sounds sent in direct streaming to an invisible audience? This is some of the issues NewAud has tried to find the answer to.
Other Working Communities
NewAud Evaluation Report
The final report sums up the outcome of the NewAud project. It evaluates the results regarding audience development, the cooperation of the ensembles, as well as the ensembles' artistic development throughout the project.
Making Facebook Work For You
This document contains the presentation slides from a talk by arts consultant Heather Maitland on how to make Facebook work for you.
10 Trends That are Transforming the World
Arts consultant Heather Maitland outlines 10 trends that are currently transforming the world.
Live Streaming a Concert - Checklist
The ensembles in the NewAud working community 'Online with your audience' met for a workshop discussing how to engage an audience with live streaming. This document lists their recommendations for what to consider and how to proceed when streaming a concert online.
Engaging a Remote Audience
The ensembles in the NewAud working community 'Online with your Audience' met for a workshop discussing how to better engage with a remote audience online. The recommendations listed here includes advise on specified emailing lists, feeding bloggers and timing Facebook posts.
Twitter Opera Performed by #sinfoniettariga
Sinfonietta Rīga performed what is most likely the worlds first twitter opera, retelling a heated debate on the economic situation in the Baltic. With the relevant subject and contemporary format, the ensemble got a lot of attention from the media as well as new audiences. They aimed at engaging the audience through social media before, during and after the concert. This report describes the process and results of the project.